Vianna Patrisha M.
65929 Frankfurt am Main Höchst
Ab €20
Details zu Vianna Patrisha
25 Jahre alt
I have previously did an Au Pair program for 1 year which I took care of 3 children ages 6 months, 2 years old, and 4 years old.
After my Au Pair year, I worked in the Kindergarten for more than a year. My tasks included preparing breakfast for the children, helping with putting on and off clothes. Play and do crafts with the children. Read them books and simply care for them as well.
Erfahrung mit
Vorschulalter (4-6 Jahre)
Neugeborenen (bis zu 12 Monate)
Kann sich um bis zu 2 Kinder kümmern
Aktivitäten (z.B. Schwimmen)
Kochen / Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten
Die Kinder ins Bett bringen