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Paige E.
53604 Bad Honnef, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Ab 10 /h
Jahr Erf.
Ab 10

Details zu Paige

25 Jahre alt Spricht Englisch
I’m a 22 year old female, Zimbabwean, studying Business at IU Bad Honnef. I have a years experience working in a pre school at home in Zimbabwe, as a assistant teacher to a class of 4-7 year olds as well as the manager of the IT Department. I’ve been in Germany for just over 3 years now and I’ve been baby sitting an 11 year old and his 3 year old brother for two years now on a weekly basis, as well as a few other families less regularly, so I have experience with children from as young as 6 months old, both boys and girls. I can help with homework, maintaining a routine or simple child minding. For your piecee of mind I do have a certificate in basic first aid which I plan on renewing soon as well. I charge 10€ an hour. I have no time restriction. I’ll work for as short or long as you like me too as long as it does not affect my class schedule. Please let me know if you’d like anymore information. I’d definitely be willing to meet you first before you agreeing to let me be with your little one, and am happy to have a trial with you in the home as well. They are your babies and I respect any hesitations you have towards me.
Nichtraucher Tierlieb

Erfahrung mit

Kleinkindern (1-3 Jahre)
Neugeborenen (bis zu 12 Monate)
Jugendlichen (12+ Jahre)
Grundschulalter (7-12 Jahre)
Vorschulalter (4-6 Jahre)
Erfahrung mit Zwillingen


Bring- & Abholservice
Kochen / Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten
Leichte Haushaltsaufgaben
Die Kinder baden
Die Kinder ins Bett bringen
Aktivitäten (z.B. Schwimmen)


Führerschein (Klasse B)